
Baltimore Heritage
Founded in 1960, Baltimore Heritage, Inc. is Baltimore’s nonprofit historic and architectural preservation organization. With two staff members, 33 volunteer board members, and a host of volunteers, we work to preserve and promote Baltimore’s historic buildings and neighborhoods.
Johns Hopkins University – Museums and Society Program
Museums and Society is an exciting interdisciplinary program that introduces Johns Hopkins University undergraduates to the institutions that preserve, interpret, and present our material heritage. The Program in Museums and Society is concerned with the institutions that shape knowledge and understanding through the collection, preservation, interpretation, and/or presentation of objects, artifacts, materials, monuments, and historic sites.
Maryland Association of History Museums
The Maryland Association of History Museums is an alliance of historical and cultural institutions that collect, hold, interpret, and protect the cultural and material heritage within the State. The association advocates for members by enhancing professionalism in those institutions and individuals, and promoting awareness of museum interests.
Maryland Historical Society
The Maryland Historical Society is your starting place for exploring the people, places and events that shaped Maryland’s past. Whether you are a student researching a paper, a teacher in need of a lesson plan, a family looking for fun things to do, a collector of rare objects, an amateur genealogist or a lover of period clothing, furniture or rare documents, the Maryland Historical Society can help.
[/su_column][su_column size=”1/2″]Maryland Historical Trust
The Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) is the state agency dedicated to preserving and interpreting the legacy of Maryland’s past. Through research, conservation and education, MHT assists the people of Maryland in understanding their historical and cultural heritage.
Maryland Humanities Council
The Maryland Humanities Council is a statewide, educational, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The purpose of MHC is to stimulate and promote informed dialogue and civic engagement on issues critical to Marylanders. Programs include One Maryland One Book, Maryland History Day, Chautauqua Living History performances, and Literary Walking Tours of Mt. Vernon.
Preservation Maryland
Founded in 1931 as the Society for the Preservation of Maryland Antiquities, Preservation Maryland is dedicated to preserving Maryland’s historic buildings, neighborhoods, landscapes, and archaeological sites. Through outreach and advocacy and by providing funding and technical assistance, our staff is able to support historic preservation efforts throughout the state.
UMBC Center for Digital History and Education (CDHE)
The Center for Digital History and Education (CDHE), based in the UMBC Department of History, engages in university-wide digital humanities initiatives, partners with historical and educational institutions, and seeks funding from grant-making agencies interested in education, public history, and digital scholarship. Current CDHE digital initiatives include Sherman’s March and America: Mapping Memory, “Children’s Lives at Historic London Town” digital storybook and iPad App, History Labs, and ARCH: Assessment Resource Center for History.
UMBC Orser Center for the Study of Place, Community, and Culture
The Orser Center at UMBC fosters innovative collaborations among scholars, students, and local community organizations. The Center seeks to put humanities research to work as a creative response to problems, challenges, and issues identified by communities in the greater Baltimore region.