We are excited to share an exciting new partnership with THATCamp Games and NASAGA for Bmore Historic 2014 offering a unique opportunity to local historians who want to learn more about games and education:

  • On Saturday, October 11, (the day after Bmore Historic) you are invited to attend THATCamp Games, a themed humanities and technology unconference embracing games and learning of all kinds. THATCamp Games begins accepting registrations on June 1, 2014. Applications will be accepted until no space remains!
  • On Sunday, October 12, Bmore Historic and THATCamp Games are teaming up for a local history game jam where local historians, educators and game developers can collaborate on creating new fun approaches to learning about Baltimore history. And running alongside the game jam is a half-day of short workshops on game design skills and tools!

If you’re interested in learning more about games and game design in the humanities, as part of research, or in relation to pedagogy and learning, THATCamp Games is for you. No matter how much knowledge of games in the humanities you have coming in, you’ll leave with new skills and new ideas. You can learn more about previous THATCamp Games conferences from their 2012 and 2013 conference websites.

If you’d like to help plan THATCamp Games, or if you would like to lead a workshop, contact Anastasia Salter. For announcements, follow along on Twitter: @THATCampGames

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